Geography is a contemporary subject which explicitly engages with the relationship of human populations and their environment at a variety of scales, from local to global. Studying at A-level allows you the opportunity to ask questions about global systems and the challenges faced by those trying to manage them. Geography is dynamic and through your studies you will gain an understanding of the geographical factors affecting decision-makers at national and international levels. We follow the Cambridge International A-Level syllabus. This means that Geography is the only subject that retains the AS-A2 syllabus structure. Students will therefore usually sit public examinations in November of the first term of Upper Sixth.
AS: Paper 1 – The Physical Core:
Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology; Atmosphere and Weather; Rocks and Weathering
Paper 2 – The Human Core:
Population; Migration; Settlement Dynamics
A2: Paper 3 – Advanced Physical Geography:
Options; Hazardous environments; Arid and semi-arid environments.
Paper 4 – Advanced Human Geography Options:
Environmental Management; Global Interdependence;
Geography Fieldwork Investigation – Fieldwork is an essential part of the course. Students analyse and evaluate their fieldwork in response to the questions set in an examination. This content is covered during a residential field study visit, typically to the Yorkshire Dales, for which there is a charge.
Suggested Entry Requirements
Suggested Entry Requirements
If Geography has been studied to GCSE, a grade of 6 or above is expected. For students who have not previously studied Geography, it may be possible to study the subject if qualifications across the board are strong (at least grade 6 in English).

Future careers could include: tourism, agriculture, law, civil engineering, international politics, charity, meteorological/climate science, community development, environmental management, petro-chemical industry, urban planning, national park or estate management, water supply distribution, flood management or real estate appraisal.