The Music Technology A-level course provides students with a grounding in both the theory and history of Music Technology and its practical application through a range of coursework-based tasks. Students learn to sequence, record and produce using modern, professional-standard technology.
This course has an emphasis on practical projects using the Music Department’s recording studio and the iMac suite, both of which utilise Logic. This course requires a good deal of time to be spent working in the recording studio outside of lesson time. Whilst the guided learning hours are exactly the same as any other A-level course, most homework and coursework tasks will need to be completed using the facilities here in school and this will mean spending plenty of time in school outside of your lesson time. The exam board is Edexcel.
You will be assessed on the following:
- Recording (coursework)
- Technology Based Composition (coursework)
- Listening and Analysis (examination)
- Production (examination)
Suggested Entry Requirements
Suggested Entry Requirements
Although GCSE Music is not a strict requirement, there is an element of music theory within Music Technology and a knowledge of music is recommended. A technological mind, experience with computer software and a willingness to work hard are essential.

Students have gone on to study Music Technology, Performance or Music at: Leeds College of Music, LIPA, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Huddersfield, Royal Academy of Music, Royal Welsh, Royal College of Music, BIMM, Oxford and other highly regarded institutions.
Future careers options include the music industry, television production and visual media (creating music and sound for computer games).