It is difficult to define Physics precisely, but its principles and applications underpin much of modern technological society. Electronic devices are ubiquitous and an increasingly essential part of the modern world, but also consider nuclear fission, renewable energy resources, the ongoing efforts to tame nuclear fusion, space flight, medical scanners and engineering projects such as the design and construction of a suspension bridge.

At St Edmund’s, we follow the AQA Physics A 7408 specification. The topics covered during the Lower Sixth include: Measurements and their Errors, Particles and Radiation, Waves, Mechanics and Energy and Electricity. In the second year of the course we study Further Mechanics and Thermal Physics, Fields, Nuclear Physics and ‘Turning Points in Physics’ which places key moments in the development of the subject into an historical context . For example, was Sir Isaac Newton an alchemist as well as a mathematical genius?

Assessment is by three 2-hour examination papers. In addition, there are twelve practical activities set by the examination board that students are expected to complete.

Suggested Entry Requirements
