Think of almost any issue in the modern world – climate change, pandemics, affordable housing – and the chances are that people with STEM skills, science, technology, engineering, and maths, will be at the core of devising a solution.
A-level Product Design offers you the opportunity to study, propose and realise prototype solutions to chosen contexts and topics.
A-level Product Design is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject where creative innovation in design is rewarded highly. This course encourages learners to use creative thinking skills to develop design ideas to produce prototypes that consider user needs, wants, current trends, values and that solve real world problems.
Written examination: 3 hours (50%)
Non-exam assessment: approximately 80 hours (50%)
Learners take a single examination in product design and work to produce a non-exam assessed design and make project based on a brief developed by the candidate, assessing the candidate’s ability to: identify, evaluate design decisions and outcomes, including prototypes made by themselves and others.
Suggested Entry Requirements
Suggested Entry Requirements
Grade 6 or above in a GCSE Design and Technology related course.

A-level Product Design develops skills and technical knowledge of commercial practices, materials, processes, computer aided design, graphical communication and creative problem solving that are relevant to numerous careers such as media, advertising, architecture, manufacturing, business, theatre, jewellery, automotive and maritime design.
Future careers could include: 3D design, product design, different areas of engineering, architecture, graphics and advertising.